Let’s talk about bad breath

It’s an awkward topic, but it’s real. Sometimes families don’t even realize their pet’s teeth are covered in tartar until their beloved dog or cat’s breath knocks them over. But having your pet’s teeth cleaned is not simply a solution for stinky breath, it also can prevent serious health problems. When your pet’s teeth accumulate enough tartar to cause gum inflammation, bacteria from their mouth can enter the bloodstream and shower internal organs like the liver, kidneys, and heart. This can lead to liver, heart, and kidney failure down the road. Tartar accumulation on teeth and associated gum disease are also painful for your pet, making it uncomfortable for them to eat their food and enjoy treats.

Some families worry that their pet is too old to undergo anesthesia and therefore delay scheduling a dental. For senior pets, we do bloodwork to check liver and kidney function beforehand and will not put a compromised pet at risk unnecessarily.

For more information on pet oral health, check out this resource from the AVMA:
Pet Dental Care


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